Experienced Agents

We’re one of world’s largest insurance company throughout the USA and Canada. As a full-service independent insurance company, we provide residential and commercial insurance coverage and risk management solution for small businesses and personal needs.

Since 1962 we have been providing a broad variety of life insurance, auto & boat insurance, property insurance, commercial & travel insurance. Products are distributed through career agents, independent marketing organizations and multiple line exclusive agents as well as direct distribution channels.

Safety Insurance Company can help you find coveredge that is right for you and your loved ones. Securing your family’s financial future probably isn’t one of them. That’s why, with a range of products, premium structures, and unmatched financial strength, Safety Insurance is a smart choice, and also a great value.

We offer a affordable insurance solution to protect your home, apartment, cango, manufactured home or renters. Phasellus luctus leo eget scelerisque pulvinar. Aliquam ut dignissim lacus. Donec ipsum dolor, blandit at enim non, ullamcorper lacinia eros. Aenean cursus diam nec iaculis fermentum.

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